In Beta Stage raising funds; Website & Platforms are under construction. Stay Tuned!

Plant a Seed: Care to Cure ?

Please Join, Support and Encourage ALI Botanics in our crowdfunding campaign to help us in our mission to Care, Educate, Cure and Advocate  with RESPECT:

Reduce Pain and Balance Life 

Educate and Increase Awareness

Serve  and Advocate for Our Patients

Protect Our Youths and Our Communities 

Evolve with Collaborative Partners 

Comply with all laws and legislations 

Transform & Innovate using FinTech 

50% of all funds raised will go towards our Research and Development into Cannabis based medicinal products and services catering to cure or reduce pain associated with following medical conditions:

  1. Oncology (Cancers, Hep C etc.)
  2. Chronic and Rheumatic Pain (Arthritis, Glaucoma etc.)
  3. Gastro-Intestinal diseases and disorders (IBS, Cohn's etc.)
  4. Psychological (PTSD, Depression, Insomnia/Sleep Dépravation etc.)
  5. Neurological (Alzheimer's, MS etc.)
  6. Physiological Disorders (Autism,Epileptic Seizures ect.)

These proceeds will also support our compassionate care programs, education and awareness programs and our efforts in protecting our Youths; creating an opportunity for them through training and mentorship programs. 

Plant 1 Seed       $ 100

Plant 3 Seeds     $ 250

Plant 5 Seeds     $ 350

Plant 10 Seeds   $ 500

Plant 50 Seeds   $ 1000

Plant 100 Seeds $ 5000

Every Dollar Counts!

Pay with PayPal or a debit/credit card

Registration Forms

Files coming soon.